Monday, September 20, 2010

I Started Juicing!!

So I've been sick a lot lately and have developed asthma and allergies this summer...YUCK! So I dusted off my juicer and found this not-so-yummy juice recipe, but oh-so-good for you anyway. Drink it up, it gets things moving and I swear it has melted some of my excess fat away! It's a cleansing type juice and good for healing any illness. Here it is:

Healing Juice
3 Carrots
3 Kale leaves
2 Stalks of celery
2 beets
1 turnip
1/4 pound spinach
1/2 head of cabbage
1/4 bunch parsley
1/4 onion
1/2 clove of garlic
1/2 Cucumber (optional)
Wash, peal and cut most of the veggies. Some people don't peal, but I do. This is good for 3-4 servings of juice. For one person use 1/4 of the recipe. I make enough for one full glass and I plug my nose and drink in down in one breath. Tell me how you like it. After drinking this almost everyday for 2 weeks I have started to acquire a taste for it. The problem is that most of us only like sweet tastes and that is what we are used to. Now, when I eat sweets they taste too sweet and I don't even want them. My husband and I have been drinking this concoction and we click our glasses together and say, "Cheers to good health!" I do believe I will wear out my juicer because I love the effects this is having on my body. I want to have optimal health and live long and prosper!

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