Monday, March 15, 2010

Fun Mom, I think

So I took the kids to a birthday party at the stinky gymnastics place in the next town around here. I must say that I had just as much fun as the kids did. I purposely wore stretchy pants with a long shirt and one to tuck in because I was planning on doing my cool tricks too. So they had these two trampolines side by side in the ground so you could just walk onto them. And they were BOUNCY! What a dream to me. Perfect for my tricks. So I hovered around the trampolines so when the kids would get off, I could make my move. I brought back the ol' back flip first, then the backhand sprang, and then the ariel. Too bad none of the other moms were doing tricks and I was embarrassing my tween daughter because of it. The kids even clapped for me and I felt like a kid again. So the best part was that after the fact, I read all the rules for birthday party guests and I realized that I broke rule #1 and rule #2.

#1 No parents allowed on any of the equipment.
#2 No flips on trampolines

Hahahahah! So hilarious. What a bad example to the kids I am. I didn't know and none of the workers told me to stop. I want to be the fun mom that is active with her kids. Why not? But really, after having four kids I may need that surgery to keep the pee in?!?!